Onikira: Demon Killer [Game Review]
Game: Onikira: Demon Killer Genre: 2D Hack'n'slash Developer: Digital Furnace Games Publisher: Merge Games, Headup Games Copy supplied by...
Top 10 Superhero Games
Here is my list of the top 10 superhero games, based on Marvel Comics, DC and even original properties.
5 Weird Sex Scenes In Video Games
Here is a list of 5 of the weirdest and most awkward sex scenes that have been featured in video games.
Five Games About Cthulhu
Here is the list of the five best games that are about the Cthulhu mythos, created by H.P. Lovecraft in the late 20's. Cthulhu fhtagn!
A Clash of Kings: A Game of Thrones Modification [#4] HAIL THE KING
Fourth part of "A Clash of Kings", a modification for "Mount & Blade: Warband" based on the "Game of Thrones" TV serie and "A Song of Ice...
Top 10 PSP Games
This is my list of the 10 best games that are on the PSP, my first Playstation console and my favourite console (beside PC) of all time.
Mafia 3 Reveal Trailer w/Reaction [1080p 60fps]
My reaction to the Gamescom reveal trailer of "Mafia 3", the upcoming sandbox crime game by 2K.
Every Manhunt Execution Ever w/Reaction [1080p 60fps]
Here are all the executions that are present in both of the controversial Manhunt games, and my reaction to them.
Universe Sandbox ² [Game Review]
For more information: http://universesandbox.com/2 ------------------------------- Game: Universe Sandbox ² Genre: Space Simulator...
A Clash of Kings: A Game of Thrones Modification [#3] THE IRON THRONE
Third part of "A Clash of Kings", a modification for "Mount & Blade: Warband" based on the "Game of Thrones" TV serie and "A Song of Ice...